Welcome to our new forum!


- THE ABILITIES by DUCKY Aug 4, 2015 21:01:51 GMT -6
Welcome to our forum, and welcome to the island. If you click on this board, you'll find the plot, rules, and any information you might need to know to enjoy our site. You are required to read the plot and the rules before joining. If you join our site, you are agreeing to our site rules, as well as the Proboards TOS.
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All forum related announcements will be posted within this board. Check back often for any and all site updates and changes.
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The name really says it all. If you have any comments, concerns or questions, feel free to post them here and someone will get to them as soon as they can. Also, don't forget you can ask questions in the cbox, which most times will get you a faster answer.
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Sorry Lovies. This board is for staff only.
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-THE APPLICATIONS by DUCKY Aug 4, 2015 21:05:04 GMT -6
So you've done all the required reading and registered for the site. This board is your next stop. If you fill out the application correctly, post it in the correct board, and follow the rules while you do so, you should have no problem becoming a part of our site. Remember, you cannot roleplay with your character until after your application has been accepted. Please be patient. The staff have lives too, and may not get to your application just as soon as you post it. If it hasn't been looked at or accepted in 48 hours, you may, very nicely, remind an admin that it needs to be looked at.
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BEAUCHAMP, juliet anastasia - L - 23 - candice accola by DUCKY Aug 21, 2015 14:45:22 GMT -6
Any and all accepted characters will be placed within this board, divided into categories corresponding with their member group.
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-THE MEMBER DIRECTORY by DUCKY Aug 4, 2015 21:10:29 GMT -6
Ah, the ever lovely claims. Yes, they're a hassle, but they do help to keep things organized. Claims included in this board are the face claim, and the who's who. These MUST be filled out, as it makes things easier for everyone.
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Got a brother or sister you just need for that plot of yours? No? How about a lover? A Final? Whatever you're searching for, you can post your idea here, I'm sure someone will take it for you. Please put a [C] in front of your ad once it's completed. Any ads not bumped in seven days will be placed in the 'Dead' section. They can be reopened by request.
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Why You Wanna - * by JULIET ANASTASIA BEAUCHAMP Aug 21, 2015 16:59:22 GMT -6
The joys of plotting. It's so much fun plotting ways to make your character laugh, love, cry, even throw things. Plot with the staff and with everyone else, and don't forget to create your own page so everyone can plot with you too!
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Are you forgetful? No? Maybe you just like to be organized, then? That's it. This board is for wonderful things called trackers that help to make your roleplaying just a little bit easier. Forget who you have to reply to? There's thread trackers for that. Always forgetting how many characters you have, or maybe you forget 'That One Girl You Have'. A character tracker is what you need. This is just an optional thing that the admins have found helpful at one time or another. Not mandatory. You may also post outfits, pictures, music, anything that helps to develop your character in this board.
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The residents of the Isle reside in a variety of types of housing. Included, though not limited to, are apartments, condos, and houses of different styles.
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The Square is the center point of the Isle. Surrounded by shops and restaurants of all kinds, the Square is a very popular place with every age group. The town carnival and founding celebration is held in the Square every year, as well as a few other celebrations.
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This is where you'll be taken if you break the law. Really, just try to avoid this place. The cops get cranky if you make them do all the paperwork and really, who wants a criminal history anyway?
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A necessary evil, hospitals are where you go when you get sick. Known for being one of the best hospitals for most categories, the doctors and nurses here will take good care of you, should you need it.
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Groceries and household items are what you'll find here. Open 24 hours, you'll find almost anything you need here.
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A gym that's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and even most holidays. 24/7 also has it's own health cafe attached to the building, as well as two olympic sized swimming pools. What more could you ask?
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Need a new dress for prom? What about a sexy little number for date night? This is your place. You can find every shop imaginable in the mall, and it even has a food court with a variety of different foods.
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The high school and college campus are right next door to each other, and only a few blocks away from the mall.
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Need to do a little research or just enjoy a good story? This will be the place to go. Just be sure you have a library card!
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Aptly named for the crystals that can be found on the beach after a storm, Crystal Beach is another popular hangout. Families tend to visit during the day while high school and college students throw parties here at night.
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This is the district in which most of the bars or clubs can be found. Night scene galore, just be careful. The crazies come out at night. This area also includes tattoo parlors and piercing shops.
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Vanguard Isle has an amusement park, a few movie theaters, a bowling alley, skate park, and even a few venues for live entertainment.
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Feel free to use this board to roleplay in a place that doesn't really fall into any of the other boards.
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Dreams can be roleplayed out here.
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You can use this board for threads that take paste in either the past or the future.
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Solo threads can be used to go more in depth about a certain situation, or an easy way to sort through what your character is feeling.
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Everybody has their times when all they want to do is talk, and that's exactly what this board is for. Talk about anything you want, so long as you don't break any rules. No pornography, spam, hate, excessive amounts of information about things people shouldn't know about you or anyone else. Polls are allowed on this board, and are quite handy if you can't decide what to name your character, what to get your dad for his birthday, your play-bys or anything else. As long as it's appropriate, there won't be a problem.
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Can you make graphics? No? Well then this board is for you. Actually, this board is for everyone that needs or wants graphics, even if they can make their own and just feel like being lazy, or if they're offering to make graphics for others. Feel free to post a thread to show off any graphics or even drawings you've made. You can also post a thread requesting graphics, or post a thread asking questions about graphic making. Anything and everything graphic related can be placed in here.
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Don't you just love those awesome forum games that just about every site has? They offer a fun alternative when you're waiting on a reply and whatnot, and that's what this particular board is for. You do have to be an accepted character to play any of the games. Members may post any game they see we don't currently have. Please don't take advantage of these and play instead of post. The staff would hate to put a lock on this board until things picked back up.
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Are you new here? Yeah? Cool! Feel free to introduce yourself here! Life getting in the way and you need a break from WWITS? Let us know here! Going on vacation? Or maybe you're leaving permanently? We'll miss you a lot, but please, let us know so that we can say our farewells.
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testing by DUCKY Jun 20, 2019 1:06:01 GMT -6
Here to advertise? Want to affiliate? You've come to the right place, just please keep in mind that you need to post in the correct board, and only one ad per site please. If we find more than one, we'll delete them all.guest friendly!
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THE BEAUCHAMP BOYS by Deleted Jul 31, 2015 11:46:54 GMT -6
Any and all old threads will be moved here.
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Updated by: DUCKY
When: Jun 20, 2019 1:06:01 GMT -6
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